Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Hacking is defined as the use of a computer to gain unauthorized access to data in a system.

Three Hacking programs/issues are as follows:

1. Playstation Network: This hack happened in 2011 when a group of hackers hacked into the PS Network that affected more than 70 million gamers. This hack resulted in the network being voluntarily shut down for an extended period of time until Sony fixed the issue and made it safe for users again.

2.  Ebay: Earlier in 2014 Ebay admitted that it had been hacked and that nearly 233 million users were vulnerable. This hack which was said to be done by the Syrian Electronic Army breached Ebay and took personal information of the users and compromised credentials. They did not however gain financial information as it was stored in a separate secure location, PayPal. 

3. Dominos Pizza: The Rex Mundi hacking group hacked into the Domino servers and stole over 600,000 Belgium and French customer records. The hackers held the pizza chain customer info for ransom for $40,000 or they would publicly post the information. The hack was possible because they had vulnerable databases.

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